Skip the Gym, It’s Time to Get Fit at Home

During challenging and stressful times it is doubly important to get fit and stay fit. If you think you can’t create a fitness routine at home, think again. If you don’t have a membership to a gym, no problem. Believe it or not, you can skip the gym and get fit at home. That’s right you can get healthy in the comfort of your own space. Here’s how:

Make Use of Everyday Home Activities

Your dream of getting back in shape can come true by concentrating on the very activities you probably try to avoid doing at home. In fact, you could be burning more calories doing chores than you realize. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of these opportunities so you can be fit once and for all.

Try these easy tips for staying fit at home:

1. Clear the floor clutter. Instead of bending over and picking things off the floor, lean slightly back and pick up an object when your arms are close to the floor. Bending over causes strain on your lower back. Instead try squatting which builds your muscles when done repeatedly but doesn’t put stress on your back.

2. Deep clean. Once the floor is clear of clutter you can concentrate on deep cleaning. This is a great technique for getting in shape at home. Turn those tedious tasks into fun, fitness-building activities: turn on the music and dance while sweeping, mopping, vacuuming or washing your windows.

Housecleaning helps to:

• Get your heart pumping
• Put all your muscle groups to work
• Improves your overall strength

3. Get busy in the kitchen. Would you believe that spending time in the kitchen could actually help you trim down? Rearrange the pantry, wipe down the cupboards, and wash the dishes to burn those extra calories.

Try this exercise while washing dishes. Position your legs to be hip-width apart. Stand on your toes and hold for 3 to 10 seconds, and then slowly come down. Repeat this exercise 10 times and do 2 sets with 1 minute resting between sets. Or try some leg lifts for a bit of variety.

Smiling woman cleaning her kitchen.

4. Clear out unused items. In all likelihood, you probably have a ton of stuff that you don’t need. So why not dig them up, and donate them to charity or put them up for sale. Climbing into those cupboards you haven’t seen the back of for years will definitely stretch muscles you never knew existed.

5. Spend time in the laundry room. Doing laundry can help you stay in shape at home. Moving loads of clothes from laundry hampers to the washer and dryer can certainly leave you breathless – in a good way! Who knew that cleaning linens and dirty soccer jerseys could be this beneficial?

6. Groom the garden. Gardening is a wonderful way to help you stay fit at home. You can prune the roses, water the shrubs, or pull out the mower if you’re up to it. You’ll work up a sweat in no time.

7. Wash your car. Washing and waxing your car is excellent exercise because it strengthens the muscles in your shoulders and opens up your shoulders, which are bent over due to hours spent looking at a computer and smartphone. Just make sure that you don’t wash and wax in one direction, go clockwise and counterclockwise to work those muscles.

Get Fit While Watching Workout Videos

Had enough cleaning for the week? Then try an online workout video. There are different programs for weight training, abdominal exercises, and aerobic, full-body workouts. It all really depends on what you prefer. For some fun and easy workouts try Koboko Fitness or Popsugar Fitness on YouTube.

Another option is to exercise while watching your favorite shows. Try these sofa workouts from Darebee while you are sitting and watching TV.

These tips can inspire you to make your fitness goals a reality by working out at home. Just make sure that you utilize your household chores and activities for everything they’re worth.

Instead of calling your household tasks “chores,” call them “workout chores”, and you’ll get a two for one: cleaner home, trimmer body. Knowing that those formerly tedious activities can actually make a difference in your fitness level will add a spark of joy to your cleaning routine, oops we mean your new clean “workout routine”.

Now it’s time to get fit at home.

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