Do you feel like you’ve been taking work stress home with you each night? It’s easy to fall into that trap, but you have the power to turn it around. Try the following strategies to clear your mind and release the pressures that build up during the day. We hope that using these tips will help you destress after a long day at work.
Tips for the Office
1. Wind down.
Spend the final moments at work generating some peace of mind. Consciously slow down your pace. Put aside some tasks to complete the next day.
2. Update your to do list.
It’s easier to relax when you’re well organized. Have your major tasks and priorities waiting for you in the morning.
3. Tidy up your space.
A clean desk reduces distractions and worries. Designate a file or bin for unfinished projects. Sort papers into neat piles. Return books back to their shelves.
4. Look for patterns.
If the same thing keeps nagging at you, resolve to fix the issue once and for all. For example, agree on a temperature everyone can tolerate and set the thermostat there
5. Laugh more.
Humor always lightens the mood. Share a joke with a coworker. Imagine telling your family about funny stories from work.
6. Breathe better.
Your busiest days become easier when you breathe correctly. Lower your shoulders and press them back gently. Your chest will rise and open. Inhale deeply from your diaphragm and exhale slowly.
7. Rest your eyes.
Take a break from your computer screen at least once an hour. Alternate between looking at an object close up and in the distance.
8. Stretch your muscles.
Stretch your arms and legs when you are sitting down or standing by your desk. Go outside for a walk.
9. Share the good feelings.
Wish your colleagues a wonderful evening. Thank at least one person a day who showed you a little extra kindness. Compliment someone for doing a good job.
Tips for the Home
1. Take time to say hello.
Pet your dog and hug your family members as soon as you walk through the door. If you live alone, call or text a friend/family member.
2. Give yourself a treat.
Arrange a special outing or event to look forward to. Watch a video of a special occasion or schedule a facial. Take the scenic route home.
3. Change your commute.
In some parts of the country, getting to work can feel like a job in itself. Look for ways to reduce the stress. Pick up audio books to listen to in your car. Consult an app for your phone that will tell when your bus is coming.
4. Jot things down.
While you are taking a shower or giving the dog a bath, you may remember that an important report is due next week. As soon as you’re free, write it down or put a reminder in your phone. Then you can forget about it until you’re back at work.
5. Exercise regularly.
Appreciate the connection between your body and mind. Physical activity contributes to mental fitness. You’ll be more resilient in dealing with the demands of work when you exercise regularly.
6. Maintain good sleep habits.
Go to bed and get up at the same times even on weekends. Take a warm bath before bed if it helps you fall asleep. Proper rest will get you in shape for work and play.
7. Shift your focus.
Be present in the moment. Give your loved ones and your home your full attention. Savor precious moments like reading bedtime stories to your kids or watching the rain fall outside your kitchen window.
Mindful living enables you to make a smoother transition from work to home. You’ll be happier and more productive in both settings, and you’ll enjoy your evenings that much more.
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