Are you getting a good night’s sleep?
If you’re often tired when you wake up in the morning, then it’s time to examine why you aren’t sleeping well. There are a variety of things that could get in the way of a good night’s sleep. We aren’t going to discuss crying children or a noisy neighbor. Instead we are going to turn our attention to your sleeping environment, i.e. your bedroom. That’s something you do control. Let’s get rid of the barriers to sleep. How can you give yourself the best chance to sleep like a baby?
Start by removing the obstacles.
1. Too Much Light.
For most of us, the darker the better. Minimize the amount of light in your room. Install room-darkening curtains to keep out light. Ensure that your bedside clock isn’t too bright.
2. Too Much Noise.
As little noise as possible is the best option for most. However, some people prefer to fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean, rain, or white noise. Figure out what works for you. If you’re forced to sleep in a noisy area, ear plugs can help. A fan can also be useful to drown out unwanted noise.
3. Too Thirsty.
If you frequently find yourself needing a drink at night, keep one available so you don’t have to get out of bed and further disturb your sleep. You might also want to limit eating near your bedtime, as this is a common cause of thirst during the night. Stop eating at least 2 hours before you go to sleep.
4. Psychological Discomfort.
What do you need to feel comfortable? A locked door? Closed windows? Your favorite blanket? Your special nighttime prayer? Be sure to set up your bedroom so that it nourishes you emotionally. Don’t be afraid to pull out your favorite blanket. Keep a night table next to your bed with pen and paper so you can write down anything you need to remember to do the next day.
5. Too Hot or too Cold.
Each of us has a perfect sleeping temperature. Studies show that a cool room works best for the average person, but you might not be average. Experiment and discover what works the best for you. An extra blanket or a small adjustment to the thermostat might make a big difference.
6. Electronics.
Clocks, phones, tablets, and TVs create a poor night of sleep. Ideally, turn off and put away all the electronic devices for at least an hour before bedtime. You’ll find it easier to fall and stay asleep.
7. Pets.
Studies have shown that allowing pets in your bed is a serious obstacle to a comfortable and deep sleep.
8. Uncomfortable Mattress.
Finding the right mattress is a pivotal part of getting a good night of sleep. There are so many options that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If your bed isn’t comfortable, head out to the store and try out few mattresses. Invest in the best you can afford. A comfortable mattress is one of the best investments you can make.
How well do you sleep?
Are you making the most of your sleeping space? It’s easy to think that any mattress in a room is enough to sleep well. And, that’s true for a few people. However, most of us would benefit from making a few changes to our bedroom.
Ensure that you’re creating the best sleeping environment so you can get a good night’s sleep by getting rid of sleep barriers. You’ll wake up refreshed and ready to start each day right.
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